CEME - Central European Media Enterprises
CEME stands for Central European Media Enterprises
Here you will find, what does CEME stand for in Firm under Media category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Central European Media Enterprises? Central European Media Enterprises can be abbreviated as CEME What does CEME stand for? CEME stands for Central European Media Enterprises. What does Central European Media Enterprises mean?Central European Media Enterprises is an expansion of CEME
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Alternative definitions of CEME
- Confederación Española de Mujeres Empresarias
- Centre for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence
- Club Esportiu Mossos d'Esquadra
- Center for Excellence in Medical Education
- Council on Emerging Market Enterprises
- Center
- Competitive Edge Manufacturing Equipment
View 14 other definitions of CEME on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- CHA Catholic Health Association
- CTPL Caliber Technologies Pvt Ltd
- CPB Connecticut Public Broadcasting
- CHC Cornwall Hill College
- CEATPL CEA Technologies Pty Limited
- CED Consolidated Electrical Distributors
- CBNL Cambridge Broadband Networks Limited
- CMC Copper Mountain College
- CBT College of Business and Technology
- CFW Carlton Forge Works
- CSF Chicago Scholars Foundation
- CMG Cardinal Maritime Group
- CMIL Concorde Motors India Ltd
- CHN Cleveland Housing Network
- CHC Crafton Hills College
- CDA Community Development Authority
- CHT Covenant House Toronto
- CPI Career Partners International
- CN City of Northampton